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Beyond the Surface: How Swimming Goggles Can Help your Child Learn to Swim

Learning to swim is a crucial life skill for young children. Parents who want to enjoy peace of mind when at the pool or on vacation need to know their kids are safe in the water. But sometimes the process of learning can be tricky. This is where games and tools come in handy. One such helpful tool are swimming goggles. They provide multiple benefits and can speed up the process of your child becoming comfortable in the water! Discover the benefits of swimming goggles, tips for selecting the perfect pair and tricks to help your child get used to them.

Benefits of swimming goggles for learning to swim

Avoiding irritation and infection

Most people, kids and adults alike, are sensitive to salt water and chlorine. Swimming goggles act as a barrier against these irritants that can cause discomfort or in some cases, pinkeye. It also allows for less distraction from the annoyance of water getting in their eyes which eliminates frustration. The goggles’ snug fit and seal ensure that water stays out and kids can enjoy their time in the pool without stinging eyes.

Confidence boost

Putting their head underwater can be scary for a lot of kids. With swimming goggles, they can see their surroundings and other objects in the pool, increasing their confidence and reducing the fear and anxiety associated with it. Seeing where they are going and what is around them instills a sense of control and security. When relaxed and curious, kids feel encouraged to take on new challenges.

Seeing underwater

Swimming goggles provide increased visibility underwater. They allow the young learner to observe their surroundings and other swimmers. They can even see where they are, assess their body position and see the way their arms and legs move. This provides them with a better idea of how to coordinate their movements and, in turn, increases their swimming skills. Visual feedback helps them understand the mechanics of the sport and refine their technique.

Explore & play

Goggles add an element of playfulness to swimming. Your child may come to be quite fond of their goggles, especially if they get to pick a fun color. With enhanced visibility underwater, children can dive for objects, make silly faces at you and play various underwater games. This opens the door for them to be curious and explore in an imaginative way. Not only does the swimming experience become more fun, but cognitive and motor skill development is increased. In this way, swimming goggles can foster a positive association with the activity and stimulate their creativity, while encouraging them to develop their physical skills.

A word of caution!

While goggles provide many benefits so kids can learn to swim, it is important that they do not become a crutch. In case of an emergency where your child falls in the water accidentally, you don’t want them to panic because they aren’t wearing swimming goggles. If getting water in their eyes completely destabilizes them, it could increase the risk of drowning. Therefore, you should always make sure to practice a little without goggles to ensure your child can still swim comfortably for short periods of time.

How to get your kid used to wearing swimming goggles?

Let them pick the style and colour:

When choosing goggles, let your kid take the lead. Encourage them to choose one in a fun color or with characters from their favorite books or cartoons. Kids love making decisions and will be more inclined to use them if they were involved in the choice. Let them know these are their goggles and act super excited whenever it’s time to use them. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.

Wear them out of the pool:

Make fun games out of wearing the goggles. You know what time it is? Goggle TV time! Goggle bathtub swim! Cooking-dinner-with-goggles time! “See? These help mommy not cry while she’s cutting onions”. Getting used to the feeling of them on their face will help you convince them to wear their goggles during their swim lesson. Make a game of it. Lots of superheroes wear goggles as part of their protective equipment. Maybe these aren’t swimming goggles, maybe these are part of the outfit worn by your kid’s superhero persona!

Bath time

If your child still takes baths, this is the best time to practice wearing their swimming goggles. Again, making it fun is key! Put toys at the bottom of the bathtub and encourage your child to dive their face in and go fetch them. Sometimes being in a smaller, more familiar environment encourages kids to try new things and become accustomed to wearing the goggles.

Don’t forget, practice makes perfect. So try again, even if at first your kid is resistant. You can begin by simply having your child hold the goggles up to his face for a few seconds while you make a silly face (then stop immediately when the goggles are off like an alternative version of peek-a-boo).

Set a good example

We talked earlier about the idea of wearing swimming goggles while cutting onions, which is a fun way to show your kid that you also enjoy goggles. Remember, kids do as you do, not as you say. Take turns wearing them during bathtime or any time you’re at the pool having fun together.

Show them how to put them on

Most of the time, you will be putting the goggles on for them. However, include them in the process by asking them to hold them over their eyes while you adjust the straps. Have them try to put them on, so they can increase their independence and so they know how to adjust them when the need arises.

Go slowly

Getting used to goggles can be a process for some kids. If your child is hesitant, encourage them to simply hold them over their eyes to begin. Then, encourage them to wear them during short periods of time only. Gradually increase how long they wear them until they are comfortable.

Tips for selecting the proper goggles

Choose the right fit

Make sure to look out for these features:

  • proper fit around their eyes and comfortable on your child’s face,

  • aren’t leaking or causing pain

  • straps are well fitted and adjustable

  • soft silicone or rubber seals to create a gentle, watertight seal around the eyes

  • no rough edges or stiff frames (can cause irritation)

  • adjustable nose bridges to accommodate your child's specific nose shape & size

Also take into account your child's preferences when it comes to size and shape. Everyone's head is different so, if possible, it's best to try on goggles before purchasing them.

Clear Vision

You want your child to have a clear and unobstructed view underwater, so be sure to choose goggles with high-quality lenses. Look for anti-fog coatings that allow your child to see clearly throughout their entire swimming session. UV protection is another essential feature to shield their eyes from excessive sun exposure if you will be swimming outdoors.

Safety first!

It’s important to enforce safety rules around the pool and always keep a close eye on your child. Goggles may increase their comfort in the water and help them learn to swim, but they aren’t a substitute for correct swimming techniques. Make sure to encourage responsible behavior in and around the pool at all times.

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